Sunday, January 16, 2005


I miss him. I really do. On the way back from the vet, I heard avril lavigne's I Miss You song and I really started to cry. It was perfect timing and it explained exactly how I felt. I still can't believe that it actually happened. I wish it hadn't. I don't really kow what to do except to stay busy. He was sucha beautiful kitty. Yelloe tiger tabby, with the most beautiful fur ever. So soft. I cry now just thinking about him. I will never forget him. He was my Buddy and alays will be.

1 comment:

isabel said...

i'm so sorry. i remember when i thought that baby had been run over (it was really Sally's cat Roscoe, which wasn't much better) i was so close to freaking out, and i ran out into the street and called "baby?" and the cat didn't lift its head and i was crying and i went over but it wasn't baby, and i was so relieved...and then i saw the blood...but getting off that topic, i am so sorry. you must feel terrible, just know that you are loved and you always be. :-D