Wednesday, January 12, 2005


Track was awful today. Coach moved me up from a sprinter to a distance runner. That means that I had to run with the long distance people today. Sure, I got to run with Issy, but I had to run over 2 miles. Plus, my dad kicking me out of the house really hit me hard today for some reason. I don't really know why, but it did. Anyway, after we ran that, we had to weight lift. I lifted with the distance runners, then I lifted with the boys because I seem to be able to lift a little more than some people. Justin had picked out 15 pounds to curl with and I picked out 20. When he saw how much I was lifting I guessed he changed his amount because when I next looked, he was lifting 25 pounds. Show off. He HAS to lift more than anyone else. What annoys me the most about someone, well, not the most, but it's up there, is when someone has to brag. On the track, I was so proud of myself because I ran the miles and I didn't even walk, let alone stop. Yaaaaaay! Hee hee. I felt so good after ward. And, Issy, you were right about what you said about detaching yourself from your body. I discovered what you meant when I was sprinting that last 100 meters. My legs kicked into gear while my mind kinda watched. It was a weird feeling. Well, I'll be feeling that tomorrow, but oh well. I can't wait to run track tomorrow! (Notice that sarcasm). When I got home, we went to wendy's and I pigged out. Not good. But I'm feeling bad. Well, I've gotta go and eat some chocolate and try not to think about my dad. Bye bye.

1 comment:

isabel said...

dear god, do i know that feeling. welcome to the club. it's boring as hell.