Thursday, January 20, 2005


1. First Name:Sabrina 2. Were you named after anyone? Not really, and yes, that includes the teenage witch 3. Do you wish on stars? yes 4. When did you last cry? today 5. Do you like your handwriting? i think its fine, its the other people who have problems with it 6. What is your favorite lunch meat? first of all, i dont know if what they serve at school is even classified as meat, second, ham 7. What is your birth date? January 3rd, 1990 8. What is your most embarrassing CD? a country cd, i dont even remember the name of it 9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? ummm, probably 10. Are you a daredevil? when no one is watching 11. Have you ever told a secret you swore not to tell? ahem, i dont wanna say this but, yes, only once though. Isabel knows (CD) 12. Do looks matter? depends. if its about me, the yes. about choosing other people, not really 13. How do you release anger?run, scream , and occasionally, cuss 14. Where is your second home? isyy's or susans 15. What is your favorite game? truth or truth 16. What was your favorite toy as a child? hot wheels 17. What class in high school do you think was totally useless? gym 18. Do you have a journal? i dont know if you could call it that 19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? me? never! 20. What is your favorite movie? too many to choose from 21. What are your nicknames? brina, sister, brie, my little french cheese 22. Would you bungee jump? duh! 23. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? if i have the time or the energy, which mostof the time i have neither 24. Do you think that you are strong? im not gonna be humble, yes 25. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? moose tracks or cookies and cream 26. Shoe Size? 9.5 27. favorite colors? purple, blue, green 28. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? physically, my stomach, otherwise, my mask. 29. Who do you miss most? friends, namely issy, brad, and franklin too. 31. What color pants are you wearing right now? blue jeans 32. What are you listening to right now? dispatch-the general 35. What is the weather like right now? windy and cold 36. Last person you talked to on the phone? isabel, i guess 37. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? hair, i think 38. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Por supuesto! (Of course!) Very much so! 39. How Are You Today?tires, sore, hungry,but great 40.Favorite Drink? mountain dew 41. Favorite Sport? SOCCER!!!! 42. Hair Color? brown 43. Eye Color? hazel (brownish green) 44. Do you wear contacts? no.45. Favorite Food? PICKLES!!!!!46. Last Movie You Watched? Nightmare Before Christmas47. Favorite Day Of The Year? my birthday,duh48. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings? both. Summer Or Winter? winter50. Hugs OR Kisses?both51. What Is Your Favorite Dessert? CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!54. Living Arrangements? lots of cats, dogs, a bird and my mum, though i could include her when i count how many animals live in my house...55. What Book(s) Are You Reading? The Golden Compass (something Brad gave me for my bday) and Something Wicked This Way Comes, among others56. What's On Your Mouse Pad? coca cola57. What Did You Watch Last night on TV? Lost58. Favorite Smells? Vanilla, friends (close ones) , not that i go around smelling my friends or anything, but the onesthat i cudle with are comfprting with their smell. Weird I know, but so?!59. Rolling Stones or Beatles? beatles60. Do you believe in Evolution or Creationism? i believe that God created evolution, so both.61. What's the furthest you've been from home? florida62. What is your favorite TV show(s)? CSI.63. Handwritten letters or email? doesnt really matter, as long as i get somethingor else i go crazy.64. Favorite coffee drink? cappaccino or mocha

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