Wednesday, July 06, 2005

long night

Well, that was a very long night. I swear, I got no sleep. Wait, my bad, I DID fall asleep. 10 minutes before my mums alarm went off.Now that's just cruel. I won't have the chance to go to sleep until about 10 tonight. Thats like 34 hours on 10 minutes of sleep. I'm going to die. I don't know how I passed the time. It's amazing the stupid crap that they put on late television. I mean, it's so stupid it's funny. And then theres news, I must've watched 3 hours of that. I now know all about those damn hurricanes, or "tropical storms" that are hitting the gulf. Yeah, see, I was desperate.And that last blog I posted was at 1 this morning. I sat on my bed for a couple of hours just cuddling a pillow. I mean it, that's all I did. It was sad. I wonder what I'm going to do today. Oh shit! How am I supposed to go to the Patch like this?! Oh man, now I'm screwed. I guess I'm going to go through those 4 mountain dews that are left and hope that they work. And I'm really craving some chocolate donuts!!!I have been since yesterday, and I haven't gotten the chance to sleep it off. All those who got to sleep, SHUT UP!!! Yes, I cannot wait til you lazy people get your butts outta bed so that I am no longer bored. Wake up! I have been for quite a while. And the sad thing is, mum didn't even notice anything. Like, I'm the one who will sleep forever unless you wake me up, and I was already awake when she got up. That tells you how much of a morning person she is. Just like me. Grrr. Me...want...SLEEP!Oh well,I shall be fine eventually, as soon as I turn up the music, and get some caffeine in me, which shall commence now...although I do have a vague feeling that I'm going to have a major headache later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, i can't even count how many times you said sleep in there o_O
sorry you have to go to the patch like that, it will most likely suck, good luck and hope the caffeine and sugar works