Saturday, July 09, 2005

Well, yesterday was interesting. Eryn was ina bad mood because of many things. I wanted to just hang with Maeghan, and Issy showed us her "potential" boyfriend and I go tsome henna last night. You know, this group is screwed. There is only one person here that I know of that doesn't like Issy. Well, 2. That equals bad.But what can we do? Issy's going to get her a boyfriend that isn't in the group, which is probably for the best, and everyone else is just giong to have to deal.I know that some things are going to happen, and some people are going to get hurt, but that's what happens when people get close to each other.Today I have to be over at Susan's to pack for camp, because I am leaving for it Monday. I will be at the Red River Gorge, and i will be gone for a week. I get back Friday, at around 6.I doubt that I will be able to do anything that night, but I am skipping the camp that is the very next week. It is too much for me. I can't be gone for almost 5 weeks straight. So I'm going to take a week break before I go with Issy.I hope that everyone has fun and that some things get worked out, because they really need to be. Ok, well, I guess that's it, mum is on her way to pick me up (I'm at Eryn's house) and she should be here pretty soon. Bibi.

1 comment:

isabel said...

i'm picking a boyfriend that isn't in the group because #1 i like him lots, #2 dating him will cause the least amount of drama and if people have to be hurt, at least everyone is equally hurt. I hate being liked by everyone i love. if it was one of you, just one, than i'd love it because i could easily date any of you and be happy (some more than others, but basically that's the truth).