Friday, July 08, 2005

It is 1:22 am and I am down here on the computer because I can't sleep and I feel the need to write.To just see my thoughts and feelings, to be able to read them. I don't really have anything inparticular to write about, I just need to write. I came down here at about midnight to fix me some chamomil tea and I found mum still up. To my surprise, she wasn't mad at me, she was more concerned with why I couldn't sleep, and she evem fixed my tea for me. I sat down here, drinking my tea, listening to some soft music, and just tried to get my thoughts together. Why was I up? My mum was asking me the same thing. Was something wrong? I told her no, because it's not. Did I just have a lot on my mind?Well, not really, I told her. I mean, I do, but not so much that it should keep me up. It never has before. So I went back up to bed. But I kept wondering the same thing myself. Is something up with me? Or is it just a phase? I think it's the latter.I don't act any different, and i feel the same as I normally do, though that in itself might be a break. I just miss people. Yeah, sure, I see them everyday, I even live with them. But I stil miss people. I miss Maeghan, and cuddling during a movie. I miss Issy, and our long nighttime talks that we used to have. I miss Eryn, and all the random things that normally happen, and the connection that we seem to have.I miss Andrew, and how sweet he is, how he seems to make people happy. I miss Franklin, and the online chats and small talk we have when we are bored. I just miss people. And I still feel the way I did a couple of blogs ago when I said that I really am just craving companionship. I think that that is all that it is, because I still am. I know that that is extremely pathetic, but it's true. Oh well, I don't wanna come accross as the girl who is dependant on people, who needs other people to survive, who needs drama, only thinks about herself.Because I know I'm not. But for me to be held or have someone to hold would be nice beyond belief. Enough of my complaining, I'm annoying myself. Well, I'm going to try and get some sleep, because Maeghan and I are hanging tomorrow! Yay!Also, Eryn is back, and i get to see Issy's concert, so, I shall be a busy little beaver tomorrow. Off to bed!


Anonymous said...

yay for late night posts and comments ^_^
hope you figure it out ^_~b

isabel said...

out beyond the ideals
of right-doing and wrong-doing
there is a field
i'll meet you there


don't worry about how you come across. accept yourself. we all need companionship. i'll see you soon. promise. I love you. and hey, we have all of edisto.