Tuesday, July 19, 2005

cross country practice

Yeah, I just got back from my first cross country practice EVER!I feel really good right now.We ran a half mile warm up, 2 miles on the course, and then a half mile cool down. It was great. I ran the first mile at my own pace, which felt really good, and I was pushing myself a little.THe second mile I stayed back with Gibson because I don't want her to quit. I know from experience that being at the back of the group can be a killer. So I stayee with her, I won't have to all practices, because there is another girl who is normally there that stays with her, but it was fun, It felt so good to know that I could jog (granted, a slow jog, but a jog none-the-less) a mile and not be totally exhausted from it. Beginnign of last year I wouldn't have been able to do that.Oh my god, it felt good!I just hope that I continue to feel that way the rest of the season. Yup, I'm officially on the cross country team now.Tee hee. I'm hyper now. I really do love this feeling.And I am going to stick with this season. I will not quit. No matter what my mum says, I am doing this for no one else but me.I want to feel better about myself, and if this willl help me think that I'm getting into shape, then I'm gonna do it.If it'll make me feel better about myself, because that's what I really need, then I'm going to do it. I just hope I can. I think I can, but I need to keep thinking that. And that's what's going to be hard, The mental thing. I know my body can do it, but will my mind make it? With lots of willpower, I think I can.I really want to do this. The practices are Monday-Saturday. It's gonna kill me, and I'm gonna hate it, but I'm gonna do it. I can't let myself think of any excuse to quit, or to not try. That's what I did during track.If I quit once, it's tha much easier to do it again. And I don't want that. My goal right now is to not quit, and to not stop, to at least walk. And I think I can do it, I really do.Wow, I just feel so good right now. I know that tomorrow morning I'm gonna wake up, get out of bed, and like scream, but that's ok. I can deal with that. I just love this feeling. and I'm gonna kill myself later for joining, because I kinda decided about an hour and a half before practice started to join the team, but hey, if not then, then I wasn't going to do it. So yeah, I'm gladI did. As Elliot drove me, home, we talked. What he said meant more to me than what he thinks.I really appreciate it. Not like he will know that I said that, but I can still say it.Yay, I'm gonna go, maybe eat some food, and then go to bed.I shoudl probably finish this Powerade too. Nighty-night.


Anonymous said...

I'm happy that you've found something that makes you feel that way, that makes you feel happy. I'm really happy for you. Just don't push yourself so hard that you hurt yourself.
I love you, sweetie.

isabel said...

you know your limits. I know that you can go beyond them. I love you. Welcome to the madness. You'll love it here. :-D

Anonymous said...

awesome, i believe you can do this. good luck ^_^

isabel said...

elliott meant everything he said. And there was lots he didn't say. You are so strong, if we build up your aerobic endurance you will be amazing. And endurance is half mental and half just running. You know what to do. See you at 5:30.