Friday, July 08, 2005


Ok, now I'm really pissed. Mum wouldn't let me go to the concert. I actually got some sleep last night, not much, about 3 hours, but I feel fine.I am just really mad that she would change plans that I made without even asking me how I feel. I mean, she told people that I was sick, for crying out loud! I'm not, I have no idea where she is getting this from. But still, I'm mad.Issy asked me to be there, and now I can't. I was going to see Maeghan and do something right after the concert, now I have to wait a couple of hours. That realyl pisses me off. I made plans, and mum had no right to change them. Maybe she did, I don't care,I just would have liked to have known that she was going to do that.Well, she is now nagging, so I've gotta go. Bibi.


Me said...

I want to go to a concert too! I was supposed to go see Cricket on last suday but you see how much my parents care, they shipped me away to an aunt that called me fat all week long! ARG! that makes me sound like a pirate... hmm
I don't have the second sweep book. I do, however, have many many many MCR pictures. now that I am back maybe me and you and my friend Kameryn can all go hang out somewhere like.... the LIBRARY!!! lol, really I have no clue. maybe the mall even though I was thoroughly scared when my aunt made me go into old navy and everyone was dressed almost identically and now I have this incredible fear of little fashion clones..... you find a lot of those at malls. Anyway, ttyl and sorry about your mom saying no to a concert

Me said...

oh yes, the mcr pics will be on my picture blog
I am also on a MCR kick and will burn you the first cd if you want. It's a lot different but good still.