Thursday, January 19, 2006

001) Your Name: Sabrina Michelle Hooper
(002) Your Gender: girl
(003) Single: no
(004) Want to be: No way
(005) Your birth day: January 3, 1990
(006) Age you wish you were: 22
(009) The color of your eyes: hazel
(010) Piercings: ears
(012) Tattoos: not yet, but I plan on getting some


(013) Smoke: haven't, and I never will smoke cigarettes
(014) Do drugs: not recently
(015) Read the newspaper: occasionally
(017) Talk to strangers who IM you: why not
(018) Take walks in the rain: I love the rain
(019) Drive: old enough
(020) Like to drive fast: Fast is bad
(021) Hurt yourself: intentionally, not recently


(022) Been out of the country: Mexico
(023) Been in love: yes
(024) Done drugs: yes
(025) Gone skinny dipping: maybe
(026) Had a surgery: sort of
(027) Ran away from home: several times
(028) Played strip poker: no
(029) Gotten beaten up: yes
(030) Been picked on: yes
(031) Been on stage: yes
(032) Slept outdoors: i like it
(033) Cried yourself to sleep: too many times
(034) Pulled an all-nighter: oh yes, but it can be a bitch
(036) Talked on the phone all night: nope
(038) Slept all day: yes
(039) Killed someone: no
(040) Made out with a stranger: yes
(041) Had sex with a stranger: yes
(042) Kissed the same sex: oh yes
(044) Been betrayed: yes
(045) Broken the law: yes
(046) Met a famous person: yes
(047) Been on the radio/TV: I dunno
(048) Been in a mosh pit: once
(049) Had a nervous breakdown: more than once
(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance: not that I know of
(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: several times, usually meant something


(052) Shoe brand: not sure, but they're comfortable
(053) School: atherton
(054) Wear hats: not usually, but I do like beanies
(055) Judged other people by their clothing: I have before
(056) Wear makeup: eyeliner
(057) Favorite place to shop: not much into shopping, but anyplace cheap like dollar stores, etc.(058) Favorite article of clothing: pants
(059) Are you trendy: probably not, don't really care


(060) Believe in life on other planets: yes, there has to be
(061) Miracles: I think
(062) Astrology: yes
(063) Magic: yes
(064) God: sure
(066) Santa: when I was younger
(067) Ghosts: yes
(068) Birth: yes
(069) Love at first sight: yes
(070) Yin and yang: yes
(071) Witches: yes
(072) Easter bunny: no


(077) Do you remember your first love: yes
(078) Still love him/her: yes
(079) Do you consider love a mistake: no, never
(080) What do you find romantic: small things, like sweetness
(081) Turn-ons: sweetness, kissing
(082) Turn-off: smelliness, annoying
(083) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: no
(085) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: yes
(086) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking: don't think so
(087) What is best about the opposite sex: physically, hands, otherwise, dominance
(088) What's the last present someone gave you: socks
(089) Do you like someone at this moment: I'd definetly call it more than like


(090) That you laughed at: Maeghan
(091) That laughed at you: Maeghan
(092) That turned you on: Maeghan
(093) You went shopping with: my mum
(094) To disappoint you: sabrina(096) To make you cry: my mother
(097) To brighten up your day: Maeghan
(099) You saw a movie with: Maeghan
(100) You talked to on the phone: Eryn
(101) You talked to through IM: Maeghan
(102) Your 4 friends: Maeghan, Eryn, Grant, Tommy


(104) Smiled:today
(105) Laughed: earlier today
(106) Cried: few weeks ago
(107) Bought something: today, hair dye
(108) Danced: a few days ago
(109) Were sarcastic: earlier today
(110) Hugged/kissed someone: today
(111) Talked to an ex: month ago, I think
(112) Watched your favorite movie: too long ago
(113) Talked on the phone: a few hours ago
(114) Listened to the radio: few minutes ago, in the car
(115) Watched TV:yesterday, I think
(116) Went out: like, outside, today
(117) Helped someone: today
(119) Said "I love you" and meant it: yesterday
(120) Did something with someone you didnt want to do: a while ago


eryn said...

awwww. and You did the bad thing, and that dissapointed me.

Anonymous said...

Hair dye!!!