Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years

Well, christmas is over, and so is 2005. It's a new year. I wonder what that means. A lot happened last year, as we all know, some bad things, some good things.I don't know which out numbers which, I guess it depends on the person. I don't know if it was a good year or not. I know a lot happened that was bad, but some things happened that were good for me too. Like Maeghan, that is definetly a good thing.It makes me happy. I don't really know why I'm posting. Just something to do I guess. And it is new years day, and it kind of makes you think. I even went to church this morning. I haven't been in quite a while, and people were glad to see me. It was a long service too. It started at 11 and it wasn't over until 1. But that was good, as it got me out of the house for a bit. Right now I am at mum's house, but I think I'm going back to Susan's tomorrow. I doubt I'll be allowed to do anything with anyone, but if I am, someone let me know if they can do something, anything, doesn't really matter what.And we start back to school on Tuesday, of which I'm sure that you guys wanted to be reminded of, but that I doubt you forgot about. And I'll be 16. I think that's a good thing. It means I might be able to get my permit and liscence and get the fuck out of here.So yeah, I'm kinda happy about that. How was everyone's new years? I hope it was good for all. I'm gonna go do the laundry now.

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