Friday, May 13, 2005


I just read Issy's blog, and left one hell of a long comment.O well, I'm sure she won't mind. But it made me think. I mean, she's right, our imperfections are what make us beautiful. But then why are we so damn stuck on everything being perfect? I mean, I know that I think I'm ugly because I don't have the perfect size boobs, my stomach isn't small enough, my thighs are not firm, nor is my ass. I have acne, something that people use against you, something that people call a "blemish". I am selfish, attention seeking, can never do anything right, annoying, loud, am never good enough, always changing to fit in, yet am never satisfied. But does that make me a horrible person? Or does that make me human? I know I have imperfections, and I hate them. I have never thought of them as a good thing. I didn't know that anyone did.I am always striving for perfection, maybe because it's what society has ingrained into us. And I feel like Issy, I don't know what other people think of me. And I'd like to. I know what I think, but it's probably different than what you all see. So, if you could and if it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you all let me know what you see in me, how you view me, what you think of me,you know, the good and the bad. I really would like to know.


Anonymous said...

Sweety, no one's perfect, you're human. Obviously, there are things wrong with you, but you probably see them so much more magnified than we do. I don't really see anything bad about you, honestly. I know that there are, somewhere in there, bad things about you, but I can't pinpoint them. Like I said, no one is perfect. I love you for who you are, imperfections and all.

eryn said...

i love every inch of you. you are one of my closest friends, and your flwas, are unseen by myself and all of your friends. you got flub, so do i. it's just what makes us who we are. not fitting in makes you fit in. no one feels that they are in a sertian group (unless they are preps (or arrogant)). you are in the group that we are all in, but we are all in the different groups, because someone always knows that we do belong. all of you.

look at my jiggaly butt

isabel said...

changing to fit the situation is as human as idolizing your family members. I know what i think of you, and so do you.