Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day

Yup, today was mother's day. And guess what? I've spent it with my mother. And it actually hasn't been too bad. I woke up at Issy's this morning and then went to church. My mum was there and i wished her a Happy Mother's Day. She was glad that I remembered (as if I'd forget) and seemed to be in a good mood. Well, Phil gave out flowers to some of the mother's in the congregation, but only to 3. He gave one out to the oldest mother present, the youngest one present, and the one that had the most kids with them today. Evidently, my mum is the youngest mother in our church. By one month.She didn't want to say her age, which is only 42, but I made her. Literally. I kept elbowing her in the side til she said her age. Hee hee, cruel, I know, but fun. Anyways, one woman there had 4 kids,well, teenagers, so she got the last one. It was packed in there today, but I guess that's logical considering the day. What was funny was that when Alan woke us up this morning, he said that we had better get up and not fuss because it was mother's day. We had not even been able to make a noise yet. I mean, nothing, no moans of sleep or a single syllable. If I had been awake at all, I probably would have laughed. Anyway, I've been at my grandma's house for most of the day. And go figure, when I go to the one house where I can stay online as long as I want, the computer has crashed. I about screamed. So, I've been talking about religion and politics with my GRANDMOTHER. Yes, RELIGION and POLITICS. ALL DAY. Joy, huh? Then her maintenence man came in, and joined the conversation, as did her fiance. Yes, my grandmother has a fiance. And don't bother asking, because I ain't saying shit. To say the least, it has been quite an interesting day. Just to let you know, I don't like her fiance, whose name is Mark. He's uber catholic, as in, he's STILL an altar boy. And he's 72! Ha, oh well, whatever floats your boat. Yes, boat, not clit, Frankie. LoL. I was supposed to go to Nancy's house (Susan's sister) and have a birthday/mothers day party, but I didn;t go because I have a headache (probably from staying up til 2 am) my mum wouldn't be there, I don't feel like dealing with them, and I didn't get any presents for them. So, I'm home. Oh, plus the fact that their phone was out and I couldn't reach them. I did discover that they weren't staying at the house because of that,and I have no idea where they are, so I'm glad I didn't go. SO, Happy Mother's Day to you all, and to all...well, you know the rest of it.

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