Saturday, May 07, 2005


Yeah, our concert was last night. And it sucked, in my opinion. Mr.D seemed to think that we did alright, so I guess that's all that matters, at least gradewise. Somehow, the first violins were either a measure behind, or the rest of the orchestra was a measure ahead. I think it was that the first violins were behind. But the funny part was that they were all lost together. And if they were actually right and the rest of the orchestra was ahead, then that's still funny because we were all lost together. Maybe it was Mr.D's mistake, because whoever was lost, it was everyone in that entire section. He could have conducted wrong or something. Not like we pay attention to him, but oh well, it's someone to blame it on. And I think that it sounded kinda cool , when you think about it, though that's probably just me. You know what would have been REALLY cool? If we had covered them screwing up by turning it into a round, like, every section ending one at a time. that would have been awesome. But no, our conductor is too dignified for that. Oh well, it was funny, at least. Oh yeah, the concert was "fun" and all, but one thing DID suck. Major monkey ass too (sorry Issy, I have to).I HAD TO WEAR A SKIRT!Yes, had to.I couldn't find any black pants. And besides that Frankllin went on and on about how "hot" it was gonna be in Comstock. When I get there, they have the AC going. I was about to MURDER him. I HATE skirts. They take me way out of my comfort zone, which is looser pants and a hoodie. Occasionally I wear jeans. But not skirts. I hate how I look in them. I feel like an idiot. Some people are skirt people, but I'm not one of them. Yeah, that sucked. Plus, I had to wear heels. Those are painful. And I'm not used to walking in them, so I'm all clumsy and crap. I can't walk right. I feel like an idiot in those too. They're just not me. I also danced with Issy in the skirt and heels. Now THAT was funny. The fact that I can't dance in the first place added to the fact that I was wearing a skirt, equaled not good things. Haha, but there was one funny point during the entire evening that beat all, andthat was when I bentdown and put my violin away. I had heels on, and when I went to stand up, they caught on the skirt and it came down! Talk about embarrassing. But no one was around at the time. They had all already put away their instruments. That was pure luck. Another funny thing was that Issy and Franklin were both pissed that they missed it. Haha. I find that so hilarious. The one time that happens, they aren't around. Or anyone else, for that matter. I was glad about it though. I am very self-conscience, and that would have killed me. I would never be able to look at anyone again. but that didn't happen, so I'm good. Hee hee. I'll talk to you all later.

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