Monday, May 30, 2005


I go to the first of my 6 summer camps tomorrow. It's called 'Discover Louisville'. But, luckily, it's only a day camp, which means that i get to come home at night. It's tuesday thru friday, 9 to five. But I won't get home til 6. But, at least I can still talk to, if not see, you guys. I get to go to the Frasier Arms Museum tomorrow. Woo hoo. Really, the only one that I'm looking forward to is glassworks on friday. And we have to go swimming every day, Yes, have to.My aunt paid 36 bucks for me to get a pass to swim, so i can;t waste that money. I would fell like shit if I did, because , as most of you know, I have a conscious, and the guilt trip thing always works on me. Of course, I'm gonna feel like shit anyway, because I hate bathing suits. you all know that I'm not comfortable enough with my body to be in a bathingsuit. I hate it. I really do. So, I dunno what I'm gonna do. But I do know that it doesn't help the eating thing. So...oh well, I'll find some excuse. I go to my first away camp next week, which means that I won't be coming home during the week. I'm actually looking forward to this one. It's a bike trip! I have wanted to go on one for so long, and now I do. Plus, it'll get me into shape for soccer. Coach said that we have to be in great, near perfect shape before our first practice, because we weren't gonna condition during practice. We are going to work on skills. He expects us to do this ourselves to prepare and show that we wanna be on the team. Well, it'll help me lose a little weight, at least fat wise. And it should be fun. ALso, it's not biking on comcrete, oh no,its in the woods and stuff, so it'll be challenging, but different. Anyway, I can't wait til I can see you guys again. Everyone have fun on their vacations, or whatever the hell you wanna call them.

1 comment:

Me said...

hello... hmmm, I go to one camp this summr and it's a day camp for writing because I am... so.... talented, yea; right. Anyway, uhhh, you really don't need to lose weight but I know that that doesn't help because if people ever tell me taht I laugh in thier face. hope you can survive the camp thing! :) I don't know if I told you the address of my new blog is at uh yep. ttyl