Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Well, I have something that I want to tell you all that I think you should know. I have an eating disorder. Yes, I know, boo hoo, but I just don't want to have to hide it anymore. I've had it for a while now, but I never wanted to truly admit it. And now it's getting worse. I think that's it's a form of binge and purge, or something like that. No no no, I dont force myself to throw up after I eat, it's just that I'll eat a ton, and then just...not eat for a few days.It used to only be for a meal, 2 at most, but now it's whole days. I mean, some of you may know this already, but before today, when I had a fourth of a sandwich, some carrots, and 3 mushroom nuggets (which were awesome, by the way), I haven't had anything to eat for 2 and a half days. The last time that I ate was on sunday, after church, when we went to Maharaja. I stuffed myself there. Right now, my stomach is killing me. And yet I can't eat. The thought of food makes me sick and my stomach hurt even more. I mean, especially what we have. It's all fast food or tv dinners and stuff like that. I mean, that's just not healthy. I keep thinking, it's only a couple of meals, no big deal. And then it's just a couple more. I am more conscience of what I eat, how much I eat, and how often, a hell of a lot more than I ever used to. And it scares me. I mean, when I do eat, it's either one thing, or a whole crapload of stuff. Then I feel bad. I keep thinking, well, maybe if I drop a couple of pounds, people will like me more, they'll think I'm pretty, or hot, or whatever. At least not ugly. Maybe then I'll be happy with myself. I mean, I am happy, in a way, but... I wish I were still on track, at least then I could run and burn off what I eat, so I might not feel as bad. But I'm not in shape enough for that. And, I also eat when I'm sad, or angry at myself. Both of which I have been lately. I dunno. I'm mad at myself for the Maeghan thing (it should explain itself),for liking other people, a lot of stuff. And I'm depressed about the fact that I like people that I have no chance with, that all my relationships, wow, a whole 2 of them, can't even go right. So, I've got a lot on my mind, and this eating thing is just getting out of control. I mean, I hate it. I dunno, I gained 8 pounds, but I've dropped 2 since then. And that's because I didn't eat. I know it's a bad thing, but, it worked. And it shouldn't. Because then I just keep doing it. And I feel even worse about it. The baggy clothes help. I mean, it's what I'm comfy in, but it's also to make me feel less like I'm making a fool of myself trying to fit into clothes that I know I can't, or that won't look right on me. I'm so shy about my body, but it's because I'm so damn insecure.Maybe if I lose weight, I might be able to actually feel alright about doing stuff. And that's the kind of attitude that has gotten me where I am. But I can't seem to change that. i can always something to be unhappy about. And I can't control it. I feel a kind of sadistic happiness in knowing that I am doing this for a good reason, when I know that in reality, it's not good.I just thought that you all should know this. And it hasn't stopped. I don't know what to do, maybe that's why I'm telling you. But all I know is that there is dinner sitting right in front of me, and I can't touch it, let alone eat all of it. Love to you all. Please, don't judge me for this.


Anonymous said...

I love you too, I won't judge you, you're human. Yeah, what you're doing is unhealthy, but we can help you, sweetie. You just have to be willing to let us help, and let us help you get better.
btw-what's "the Maeghan thing"?

eryn said...

hey there girl. you are currently sitting next to me, so i could very easily say this. but every one needs to hear this.

you are a WONDERFUL person. you need to realize for yourself that it is unhealthy. it is your choice to eat food, so EAT FOOD. just like my little poster.

perhaps i should give it to you...

Anonymous said...

hey i am here for you, and i kinda know how you feel about the insecure thing, i am all the time, i hate to admit it but i am, anyways, i haven't stopped eating because of it, but then again i like food :/
i bet that if you eat at least one meal a day, you will feel much better. did you know that if you stop eating, your body starts taking muscle tissue to give you nutrients before it uses your fat o.0 so it is better to eat then have your muscles decay, at least in my opinion lol we are here for you, never forget that.

Me said...

hey, I commented on one of the other three posts you posted at first! I don't even remember what I said. It was probably about how I've got a problem with the whole eating thing myself. You can read one of my posts on my blog becaus3e I think it explains it. I'm here for you if you want to talk. Right now I'm sick so I'll be home for sure for the next 2 days. my number is 962-8180 in case you can't read it in your yearbook... hehehehe
And I'm with you on the liking people, well in my case guys, you can't have. hell, I'm the queen of that.
talk to you later.