Wednesday, January 25, 2006

3 weeks

I would have posted yesterday, but I went to bed early and didn't get the chance to. It's been 3 weeks since I've done anything stupid, and I plan on it staying that way. I realize what it does to my friends, and I can't do that to you guys anymore.I've been really happy the past 3 weeks, and it's been really nice. I'm not quite sure why I have been, but I'm definitely not complaining about it. The past 2 days have a been a little harder, but I'm all right. I wasn't in school today because I really don't feel good. I went to bed at 7 yesterday and I didn't get up until 10:30 this morning. Mum says that this weekend is to be a family weekend. I think I was home enough, and have done enough work over the past 2 weekend to not have to have a family weekend. Just thinking about that puts me into a bad mood. I'm trying to work my way out of it. Mum says that I have a lot of chores to do,my regular and she really wants me to tackle cleaning this house up. It needs it, but that doesn't mean that I want it to be me who has to do it.I think that I shall do my regular chores and all the other things that I know she wants to get done this weekend today, and maybe then I shall be able to get away this weekend. Both of them are being real bitches. Susan is being all yelling and because I said so, while mum is being all, no, I want you to do this. I dunno, it's just been a little harder to deal with them as time goes on. But maybe I'll be able to work something out. Right now, Susan is being worse than mum, so I'd personally rather be here for once than over there.Oh well. I think I shall go eat something and then get to work on my chores. Hope you had fun at school, haha! Although I don't know which I'd choose,lol...

Thursday, January 19, 2006

001) Your Name: Sabrina Michelle Hooper
(002) Your Gender: girl
(003) Single: no
(004) Want to be: No way
(005) Your birth day: January 3, 1990
(006) Age you wish you were: 22
(009) The color of your eyes: hazel
(010) Piercings: ears
(012) Tattoos: not yet, but I plan on getting some


(013) Smoke: haven't, and I never will smoke cigarettes
(014) Do drugs: not recently
(015) Read the newspaper: occasionally
(017) Talk to strangers who IM you: why not
(018) Take walks in the rain: I love the rain
(019) Drive: old enough
(020) Like to drive fast: Fast is bad
(021) Hurt yourself: intentionally, not recently


(022) Been out of the country: Mexico
(023) Been in love: yes
(024) Done drugs: yes
(025) Gone skinny dipping: maybe
(026) Had a surgery: sort of
(027) Ran away from home: several times
(028) Played strip poker: no
(029) Gotten beaten up: yes
(030) Been picked on: yes
(031) Been on stage: yes
(032) Slept outdoors: i like it
(033) Cried yourself to sleep: too many times
(034) Pulled an all-nighter: oh yes, but it can be a bitch
(036) Talked on the phone all night: nope
(038) Slept all day: yes
(039) Killed someone: no
(040) Made out with a stranger: yes
(041) Had sex with a stranger: yes
(042) Kissed the same sex: oh yes
(044) Been betrayed: yes
(045) Broken the law: yes
(046) Met a famous person: yes
(047) Been on the radio/TV: I dunno
(048) Been in a mosh pit: once
(049) Had a nervous breakdown: more than once
(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance: not that I know of
(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: several times, usually meant something


(052) Shoe brand: not sure, but they're comfortable
(053) School: atherton
(054) Wear hats: not usually, but I do like beanies
(055) Judged other people by their clothing: I have before
(056) Wear makeup: eyeliner
(057) Favorite place to shop: not much into shopping, but anyplace cheap like dollar stores, etc.(058) Favorite article of clothing: pants
(059) Are you trendy: probably not, don't really care


(060) Believe in life on other planets: yes, there has to be
(061) Miracles: I think
(062) Astrology: yes
(063) Magic: yes
(064) God: sure
(066) Santa: when I was younger
(067) Ghosts: yes
(068) Birth: yes
(069) Love at first sight: yes
(070) Yin and yang: yes
(071) Witches: yes
(072) Easter bunny: no


(077) Do you remember your first love: yes
(078) Still love him/her: yes
(079) Do you consider love a mistake: no, never
(080) What do you find romantic: small things, like sweetness
(081) Turn-ons: sweetness, kissing
(082) Turn-off: smelliness, annoying
(083) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: no
(085) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: yes
(086) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking: don't think so
(087) What is best about the opposite sex: physically, hands, otherwise, dominance
(088) What's the last present someone gave you: socks
(089) Do you like someone at this moment: I'd definetly call it more than like


(090) That you laughed at: Maeghan
(091) That laughed at you: Maeghan
(092) That turned you on: Maeghan
(093) You went shopping with: my mum
(094) To disappoint you: sabrina(096) To make you cry: my mother
(097) To brighten up your day: Maeghan
(099) You saw a movie with: Maeghan
(100) You talked to on the phone: Eryn
(101) You talked to through IM: Maeghan
(102) Your 4 friends: Maeghan, Eryn, Grant, Tommy


(104) Smiled:today
(105) Laughed: earlier today
(106) Cried: few weeks ago
(107) Bought something: today, hair dye
(108) Danced: a few days ago
(109) Were sarcastic: earlier today
(110) Hugged/kissed someone: today
(111) Talked to an ex: month ago, I think
(112) Watched your favorite movie: too long ago
(113) Talked on the phone: a few hours ago
(114) Listened to the radio: few minutes ago, in the car
(115) Watched TV:yesterday, I think
(116) Went out: like, outside, today
(117) Helped someone: today
(119) Said "I love you" and meant it: yesterday
(120) Did something with someone you didnt want to do: a while ago

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

my hair

I dyed my hair! Yes, tis now purple with blue tips. I love it so. It's a light purple, but it's purple and it's awesome. I love my skills, because I got mum to say yes. She said yes to something! And if she would have changed her mind, I would have said too late.It was fun too, I had a good time at Eryn's. Alex did it. The freshman Alex, with the constantly color changin hair, she's really cool and good at it. My aunt is going to freak. She doesn't know that I did it, and I'm not telling her. I'm supposed to go to her work tomorrow, so I guess she'll find out then.Hee hee. And before mum let me she asked if I would swear that the dye isn't permanent. It's not. It's semi-permanent. Hee hee, pushing it I know, but still, not quite permanent. Oh, I've wanted to do this for a while, and I really needed a change.This shall be fun.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sweet 16

Today is my birthday! Yay! I'm finally 16! I'd like to get my permit, and I hope I can soon. Maybe the end of this week, who knows. It's all up to mum. And I did go to school, after mum being all you can't stay home and then telling me (after I got up and showered and dressed with no chance of getting back to sleep) that I didn't have to go. But I decided to go anyway, see my friends, not have to do make-up work, and not stay home. But they weren't happy about that.Evidently, they wanted me too spend my 16th birthday with them. Mum was going to take me out to dinner, and Susan to breakfast, or something like sad. So they're all upset, and I'm not sure what to think. No, I didn't want to spend it with them, I prefer the company of my friends, even if we are in school. And besides, I had an awesome time at the Coffeehouse. Oh, it was great. One of the bands was just awesome. I want them to make a cd so that I can buy it. Eryn and I are both freaks, we love the bass and the drums, and this band was just amazing.Tommy's band was ok too, but they sounded a little muddy. I think it may have been the sound system.But the last band that we were able to stay and listen to was hilarious. We were outside, and the dude was humping the door. The door had glass, so we were able to see it. Then he went away, and came back with his pants off and proceeded to hump the window. Once again, we had a perfect view.Oh, it was funny. Overall, I think I had a pretty good day. But Maeghan doesn't feel good, and that makes me sad. I hope she gets to feeling better soon.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Ahh, the stealing


First Best Friend: Issy
First Screen Name: don't remember
First pet: Noah, my cat
First Piercing: ears
First Celebrity Crush: Johnny Depp
First CD:Spice Girls
First Car: it shall be my grandma's red cavalier
First True Love: Maeghan
First Stuffed Animal: doggie
First Trip:Florida, when I was 1


Last Car Ride: yesterday, from Susan's to mum's
Last Movie Seen: Aristocats
Last Phone Call: Eryn
Last CD Played: Blink 182
Last Bubble bath: Couple months ago
Last time you Cried: last week
Last time you talked to the person you like: Right now
Last time you took a test: Two weeks ago- mid terms
Last time you drank a cup of milk: a few days ago


Have you ever dated one of your best friends: Yes
Have you ever been arrested: no
Have you ever skinny dipped: nope
Have you ever been on tv: Yes
Have you ever kissed someone and then regreted it:yeah
Have you ever gone commando: yeah. though not too often


Slept in
Took a shower
Talked to Eryn
Ate soup
Ate chocolate
Talked to Maeghan
Drank Ale81




Green dragon pants
Black shirt
Black bra


My blog


1. Hot or Cold: Cold, definetly

2. Black or white: black

3. Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla ice cream, chocolate everything else



Sky dive and be content with myself.



Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Years

Well, christmas is over, and so is 2005. It's a new year. I wonder what that means. A lot happened last year, as we all know, some bad things, some good things.I don't know which out numbers which, I guess it depends on the person. I don't know if it was a good year or not. I know a lot happened that was bad, but some things happened that were good for me too. Like Maeghan, that is definetly a good thing.It makes me happy. I don't really know why I'm posting. Just something to do I guess. And it is new years day, and it kind of makes you think. I even went to church this morning. I haven't been in quite a while, and people were glad to see me. It was a long service too. It started at 11 and it wasn't over until 1. But that was good, as it got me out of the house for a bit. Right now I am at mum's house, but I think I'm going back to Susan's tomorrow. I doubt I'll be allowed to do anything with anyone, but if I am, someone let me know if they can do something, anything, doesn't really matter what.And we start back to school on Tuesday, of which I'm sure that you guys wanted to be reminded of, but that I doubt you forgot about. And I'll be 16. I think that's a good thing. It means I might be able to get my permit and liscence and get the fuck out of here.So yeah, I'm kinda happy about that. How was everyone's new years? I hope it was good for all. I'm gonna go do the laundry now.