Saturday, June 18, 2005

just an update

Well, right now I'm at Eryn's typing this, waiting under her screen name for someone to sign on, eating an everything bagel with herb cream cheese and drinking a cappucino. Maeghan came over last night and hung out for a few hours. We went to walgreens, got me some make up (not that preppy shit, a little more goth) hung out there for an hour waiting for Eryn's pics to develop (big mistake), and bought a couple of things. We found a neon green light up gel football! Oh, that was entertainment for hours. And of course, Maeghan got her popsicles. They were gone before she left. Yeah, we had fun with those. I have been at Eryn's basically everyday except for Monday. It has been so much fun. We should do that again sometime. Yeah, we found paintbrushes and highlighters. Oh, the times. ANd of course, add a blacklight=ooooooooo. Hee hee. Oh, and I got my hair cut. It's SHORT, but it's at least longer than Eryn's.I like it, so if you don't DEAL WITH IT. Oh, and Wednesday I had to go to the Cabbage Patch to talk to my aunt's boss. And guess what? I CAN GET A HORSE!!!! Yes, isn't it awesome? I get to go over to his farm and work with it, and if it works out I can buy it from him. He'll even board it for me, for a little extra work. Yeah, it'll be a huge responsiblility, but I have wanted a horse since I was old enough to say it. The horse is an pure bred Arabian buckskin gelding. In case you didn't know, Arabians have great endurance, and can out run almost every horse out there. So, yeah, I'm excited to say the least.Well, Issy is getting back tonight, and I look forward to it. I am going to the airport, so I shall get to see her. It's been way to long, she has been missed. But I hope that she has had fun. I am leaving for camp this Monday and I'll get back next Friday. This sucks, because it seems like everyone is coming back and now I'm leaving and when I get back more people are leaving. Grrrrrrrr. My schedule is fucked up. And you know what else? I might not get to do soccer. Now I'm pissed. The camps are going through practices, I haven't had a physical yet, and coach needs 300 bucks from for expenses so that I can be on the team.I don't have that kinda money, and we are supposed to have it by our first practice. The thing is, that practice may be tonight. JUne 18. But maybe it's JUly 18, I really hope so, because it doesnt end til 8:30, which means I would miss Issy. I'm not gonna do that. There is just so much crap that we have to do, and I either haven't gotten it done or will not be able to. Plus, I'm not in shape. Coach said that we had to be in GREAT shape before our first practice. Well, I'm not. I mean, I've done camp, but that hasn't really done much. I haven't been able to work out on my own. Well, I guess I'll see what happens, because I really don't wanna give up soccer. Well, I hope that everyone has a nice week, because this is probably the last time I'll be able to blog for a while. Love to you all.


Anonymous said...

taking care of a horse takes a LOT of time and responsibility but i am sure you are up to the challenge. my grandparetns raise and trained horses all their life, they live in colorado now so it is hard to see them, but they are very good, and have lots of medals from competitions

Anonymous said...

Wow, I've never had a horse and don't know shit about them. My aunt has a bunch of horses though, so good luck with that. That sucks about your schedule though, will I be able to see you before you leave again?

eryn said...

yea, this week has been fun. even me and my evilness...
just wanted to say hey! you know how i am about the horse. great! and about the schedual, we'll see you in school. and as i'm sure you know, i miss spell to PISS YOU OFF!!!

love you

Me said...

man your horse sounds awesome, I've wanted a horse since 6th grade but I became the classic bumfuck that went for boys instead...
If it makes you feel better about soccer, I have to start cross country in a week and I am still so fucking fat... I'll ttyl and I hope your schduele thing works itself out

Anonymous said...

i updated now you need to...