Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Fluff is what I put in a piece of writing just to fill it.Filler. Filling. Ok, I've had my fun with that. I promise.Fluff. Hee hee. Ok ok, I'm done.For real.Lol, anyways I just got back from xc and no one's online. It was my first day back in quite a while, and it was a hard day, but I enjoyed it. Yes, I did just say that I enjoyed a hard day of practice. We did ladders, and it's like repeats increasing by 100 meters each time. We had to do that up the football hill.When he told us, I was like, you're nuts. That hill is suicide.But hey, we all know how much we all wanna die, that's why we're on the team, right?So anyway, we did that, and it took the entire practice.I am pretty damn proud of myself.I stayed kinda middle to front, and on the last time going up the hill, I was third.Third. There was a guy (I can't remember which one, not that there are that many anyway), then Nancy, and then me. I was in front of Withers.That felt really good.I didn't feel too bad while I was running, in fact, I felt great, and I wasn't all that tired, but when practice was over, I felt really bad. My stomach was hurting and I was nauseated and stuff.But I felt great running.I really did miss it.I just had to say that. And guess what? Coach Withers said that I have the potential to be the next Jenna. For all those who don't know, that's a pretty big compliment.She's a senior, and she's pretty damn good. Granted, Nancy and Summer can beat her, but oh well.I've always seen Jenna as someone to look up to, someone I wished I could be like, in running at least.And then he said that.It was great.Then we had a team discussion and Coach Elliot complimented everyone on the JV team (the one I'm on) but me.Oh well, I had already gotten a compliment, and that's just coach.Anyway, not much to say, but I've got homework to finish now, so I shall go.Oh, by the way, before Gibson left school today she saw my arm. She was like, "I forbid you to cut."It was funny, the way she said, and it kinda shocked me because I didn't think anyone had seen them, and I didn't know that she knew at all.But hey, oh well, she had had a pretty shitty weekend, and I feel sorry for her.Don't worry,they are old, and I'm in a good mood.Just a random thing that popped into my head.We all know how that goes.Lol.See y'all tomorrow.Oh yeah!I saw Travis Balls (I know I know, but that's his last name) and Andykins and Franklin all on Frankfort Ave. when I was driving form Walgreens to my house today.Twas weird.But cool.None of you saw me though, but that's ok.Bibi.


eryn said...


ok, so yeah. you like to run. grr

Anonymous said...

i made sure that spam didn't get onto mine anymore lol
anyways, that is cool that you enjoy running, reminds me of issy >_> weirdos...
running in circles like chickens...

Me said...

i knew because I'm magic...
not really. I was best friends with a cutter for 2 and a half years. I'm really really good at telling who does it and who doesn't. and I know you pretty well. :) as long as they were old.
running doesn't feel good if you're me. but I'm glad it's awesome for you.