Monday, September 12, 2005

september 11th

Yes, I realize that today is not the 11th, but yesterday was, and I just wanted to write something about it as it affected us all.I rememberm 4 years ago now, when it happened. I didn't know about it until I got to my language arts class, 4th period, and my teacher, Mr.Tong, had it on the TV.I immediately knew something was up as we never watched TV in his class. HE told us to watch this, that it was actually happening.I looked at the TV, and just then the 2nd plane hit.I was in shock.I couldn't cry.I didn't want to watch, but I couldn't look away either.This couldn't be happening, and yet it was. I watched as people ran away screaming, as firefighters and police ran into the building, as people jumped or fell from the buildings.It was horrific.I don't think that I'll ever forget it.I don't think I want to.It was such a terrible day, I shall always remember it.All those kids who lost one parent, or both, all those people who were never found, all those firemen and rescue workers who gave their lives to save others.They are truly heroes, and should be remembered as such.

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Anonymous said...
