Thursday, August 25, 2005

an update

I'm not complaining. Oh great, now it sounds like I am.Oh well. I just needed to update and to let you guys know what's been going on lately.Well, as most of you know, I blacked out last night.I haven't gotten much sleep lately, but I hope that will change.My mum and I just got into another arguement, about xc this time.Again. After practice today, mum said that she was oing to talk to coach. So she did. She told me that I had to make a full comitment or none at all. No half-assing it. She basically told me that if I miss another practice that I'm not on the team anymore, and if I quit I am to take the bus straight to Susan's or home. No friends. And that means weekends too.So that really sucks. I can't have a life, and if I try to she takes it away anyway. I hardly get to see you guys during school anyway, and now it's going to be even less during the week and weekends.And I think she's serious too.That scares me. Because if she's serious about this, then I'm screwed. That means no you guys, and no Maeghan either.On a lsighty better note, I got 5th chair second violin. Out of 12. That's pretty good for me.But then again, he expects me to play good now...Oh well. I shall manage.I really hate my schedule, like, with friends and all. I know I really can't say much about that, as neither Eryn nor Maeghan have many classes with people. But I said it anyway.And i now have to find a way to save money. Mum even asked me too. That means it's serious. So that's not good.And this whole grounded thing is really getting to me, I would really hate it if it turns out to be true, you know, her sticking to it and all.But yeah, and my dad is doing his shit again. So yeah, you all know what that means...well, I updated, and I shall go and do my Spanish homework, and tell my mum about the orchestra, as it will give her a reason to be happy for a little while, and no yelling maybe.Bibi.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwww that sucks, my mom is the same way in some things, she is like "miss practice and you are off the team" and then she would limit social life then too :/
but just hang on, i am doing soccer, full IB, and marching band.
if i can make it, then you sure as hell can lol