Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I wonder...

I dunno, it's late, I'm bored, and I've got nothing better to do. So I am just sitting here and thinking.I wore a pair of Eryn's pants to registration, and I loved it. I actually felt good about myself.Then when we got back to her house, we went through all her stuff, and I got a couple of new things. I out on a red shirt that was kinda like a tank top I guess. It has like almost spaghetti straps and was kinda short and kinda tight. But I felt good in it. It fit me. I've lost a little wieght, and I'm actually liking my body. It felt so nice today, to just be able to wear some clothes that I don't normally wear, and actually feel good in them. Like, I loved myself for a few hours.I didn't feel like I had to compare myself to anyone. That was an amazing feeling. I really want it back.I want to wear stuff that makes me feel like that. I get really happy, and am really, just...me. No worries, no crap, nothing. It's great.That stuff just happens to be black, gothic, different, whatever. I'm not a poser,and honestly, I don't care if people think I am. they can thnk what they want, I don't give a damn. But I really want to be able to feel good about myself, to not have to think that I'm not hot enough, or anything.I don't think Eryn realized this.Lol, I don't think anyone did. But how can I explain it to my mum? I dunno what she'll think. And I don't know how to explain it to her anyway.I just wish I could. I mean, she's against me wearing the "goth" stuff and everything, I dunno why, but I wish I could make her see. I like wearing what I feel comfortable in.That's what I've always done. I have always been made fun of because I never wear girly clothes. But I've never been comfortable in them.I've always been more comfy in bigger shirts and stuff. Plus, most of the reason why I'm so shy/modest is that I'm self-conscious. I never want to show my flaws like that. There are others that people consider "hot". I've always been skipped over in that category. I mean, you'd think it wouldn't matter, but after a while, it gets to you and sinks in.So I've always been like that. Yeah, I would sometimes wear skirts, but somebody else would always look better in it than I did, so I woud go back.I hate it. I'm tired of feeling like that. Someone else is better looking, the person I like thinks so, so I just kinda sit in the background, feelingbad. I'm pretty good at hiding, but I'm still never the one to show anything.I really wish that could change, I wish, want, to feel good enough, comfortable enough, about my body where I am willing to do stuff with people. i.e. , Maeghan.Or at least not feel bad about me not looking like them.Well, this is a long enough blog, so I'm gonna go. I just had to write down what I felt like, what I want to feel like, and why. So, thanks for reading. Bibi.


Anonymous said...

heh, it happens to everyone, everyone feels self conscious (sp), the ones that try and look pretty are the ones that are sometimes the most self conscious, you who just is trying to dress to feel good, that is good. seriously, there is always someone better than you, now don't let that depress you or make you feel badly, but just think. issy you me franklin eryn and aimee all have someone better than them/us/me/you out there. and try as we might, we might become better than them, but then there is another person out there. so be yourself lol (yeah corny advice, it works so deal with it)

eryn said...

i agree with andrew compleatly. there is always someone out there better than us in some way.

in other news: i think it's a good thing that for once, you felt good, and DIDN'T CARE what others thought.

good for you