Thursday, March 23, 2006


I never though I'd say this, at least not until I was 18, but I GOT MY PERMIT!!Kick ass!Yes, I'm so happy! Hee hee. I really didn't think mum would let me get it, but she did. So very excited. And I've already been driving today, and I didn't hit anything, so I think it will be ok.And I passed with 100% the first time, so yes, but it's the actual driving test that I shall freak out on. But oh well, that's not for 6 months. 6 very long months...


Roxanne said...

Congrats! I'll remember to stay off the sidewalks next time I'm in Louisville. Just kidding. Hope your driving test goes well. I'm sure it will as long as you get enough practice in the next six months.


Anonymous said...

.........stick shift or automatic?

Either way, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

yeah, seriously, books won't do shit for you when it comes to driving, not that i'm an expert or whatever, but i can tell a big difference from when i got my permit, to when i got my licence (almost a month ago) and it all comes down to practice, then again, my mom and dad FORCED me to drive them everywhere lol. So i got enough practice in and i never looked at a manual or anything, very cool, GL on driving too.