Monday, December 05, 2005


Yeah, I fell down the stairs this morning. As in, all the way down. We have 14 stairs, I fell down 12. They are carpeted (thank god), but the floor at the bottom isn't. Grrrr. But I got up this morning at 6, because I didn't feel like getting up at 5 this time, and I go to the bathroom and start down the stairs. I think I either slipped and missed a step, or just missed a step, but either way, I fell. I remember starting to fall and hitting something, but I don't remember anything else until I realized that I was on the ground. And in a lot of pain. So, evidently, the fall knocked me unconcious. And I fell so hard that the sound woke mum up. Seriously. It takes a lot to wake her up, so that was a little freaky.You know what my first thought was? Ow. How about my second? Ow.My third was more along the lines of, what happened? Then my mum asked if I was fine. At this point I was still trying to figure that out myself, but if my fall woke her up, what do you think. Anyways, I got up and I was just a little tipsy.Little as in, I got up and hit the wall. Mum comes downstairs, and I get dressed for school. Yes, for some reason I was still getting ready for school. I dunno why, but my brain was saying that was the right and normal thing to do, so I did. I got dressed, mum went to work because she had to, and I went to school. My neck really started hurting me during first period, and my vision was blurred. So I called, and Susan said that she wouldn't pick me up, too busy. So mum took off work to come and get me. We then went to get x-rays and stuff. The x-rays were fine, which is good as I already have one neck injury and don't need another, but I do have a concussion. The doctor ordered that I don't go to school Tuesday, and he said that we'd see about Wednesday. He also ordered Hydrocodone for me, for the pain. Adult strength, full dosage, plenty of pills. But oh the pain without them.

On another note, Maeghan got her braces off today, which is awesome. Now she has a retainer. It must be weird, after having them in for that long. But I think it's good. So yeah, I won't even be able to see her until Wednesday at the earliest. Or anyone else for that matter. Oh yeah, and I got my hair cut today. Short. Oh well, I needed it.So, I think I'm going to go, the pills are kicking in.


Pop Rocks said...

i don't know how you would do this in the first place, but don't take your vicodin with a Mike's hard lemonade, it has fairly negative effects, unless you don't want to make sense for the next hours of your time and be unable to move. speaking from sedondhand knowledge, my dad tried it once. couldn't make a lick of what he said the rest of the day...

Brie said...

Well, first of all, it's Hydrocodone, not that. And second, I've done that before, but I'm doing the best I can not to do it again, even though it is tempting. If I thought I was sore yesterday, today is worse. And spending hours at a time not moving in la la land sounds nice right about now. But I shan't.But thanks for the advice.

Anonymous said...

omg, wow, concussions are bad lol
anyways, it is a good thing you are sort of ok o_O hopefully nothing serious will develop and i will see you on tuesday, i told you you should have called right away >_>

Roxanne said...

This past week I fell down the stairs too. Not quite as dramatic as your experience though. Ouch! I'm so sorry for your pain. But at least you got some time off of school.

I fell down the last 5 steps while trying to carry a 35 pound bucket of kitty litter down to the basement. I scraped the front of my legs from the knees down. Wood stairs, cement floor, but no concussion.

Hope you feel better soon. Pain meds. are a wonderful thing though.


eryn said...

you are alive. that is a good thing. now you have pain killers and everything is all good. ok, so now i am going to be all sad and emo. I am no longer happy eryn