Sunday, October 16, 2005

Still in Illinois

Yeah. Yesterday was busy. I hope today will be a day to relax. Although not to say that yesterday was bad. I got to see some people that I hadn't seen in over a year, so that was cool. I really missed them. Debbie is Susan's lifelong best friend, and about 6 months ago her house was burned down. Completely. It was gone.The cause was her son, Matt. He accidently left a candle burning all night, and it started the fire. He felt so bad. I felt so sorry for them.I mean, all their belongings, memories, everything. Gone. You can replace materials goods, but memories are irreplacable. As is the feeling of home. They rebuilt the house, and most of it is done, but it's still not the same.It was weird for me, because I used to stay there, and the room that I slept in was burned to the ground. If it was weird for me, I can't even imagine what it must be like for them. It really made me appreciate everything that I have. We went up to visit them, because they are really having a rough time. But it was good for everyone that we got to see each other. And I also saw Mary and Jack yesterday as well. I love Mary to death, she is awesome. She's the grandmother everyone wants. Not that my grandma isn't great, by any means, I love her, but Mary is most definetly a kid at heart. She collects coyotes, and all different kinds of glasses. She has over 50 pairs. Weird, no? But they are so amazing.She has such cool stuff. Her basement is filled with all this old time, entertaining, awesome crap. I mean, it is the shit.We were on the go non-stop yesterday. We went from resteraunt, to store, to resteraunt, to Debbie's house, to store, not to mention the hours in the car in between. I'm talking another 5 hours, at least.And we come home tomorrow, so I get to do another 7 hours. Gah.But we haven't done anything much today, and they are taking a nap (YES!) so I think I'm gonna go and relax while I can.The point of this entire vacation is to reduce stress. Well, in some ways, it does, but in others, not so much. I miss you guys, but it's also nice being away, from certain people,like my mum.So yeah, it's ok here. See ya later.


Me said...

well I'm glad it's ok in illinois. I wish i wasn't in KY b/c basically I hate this state and I've spent all of break talking about 'only in KY can cousins marry each other' b/c I feel like bashing it into the ground.
hey, you should comment on my blog again, I'm in some serious need of it. lol

Anonymous said...

it actually sounds more stressful than relaxing, but it is good that you see your relatives once in a while, i have to see mine a lot. This is because almost all of them moved to louisville. It was really weird too, my mom moved down here, then my mom's mom and sister moved, then my mom's other sister moved here too. really strange, oh yeah, forgot about one of my mom's brother's moved down here too. XD
so i get to see them too much. hope you have a good time and i will see you soon ^_^