Friday, October 14, 2005

In Illinois

Yup, I'm here, in Bloomington, Illinois. They don't have AIM on this computer, so I decided that I would just post in here instead. Well, today was...long. I got home from Andykins's house last night and had a ton of things to do. I finally get ready to go to be at around 2, and my aunt decides to tell me something that she calls "good news". My 5 year old cousin Josh is coming with us. Yeah. I mean, I love him and all, but I mean, I already had 3 year old to deal with. Plus I am really tired, wanting to go to bed, and stressed out. So yeah, that didn't go over too well.Anyways, that was one long ass car ride. Out of 7 hours, they sleep no more than 15 minutes. And Susan has to drive, so guess who go to take care of them. Yeah, I can already see how this weekend is gonna go. My aunt, who is oh so brilliant, also decides to stop at Wal-Mart for an hour. Yeah, a 3 year old and a 5 year old in a toy section and no money. Not pretty.BUT I GOT A SLINKY!!!KICK ASS!!! Anyways, ha,it was only 89 cents, lol,yeah, and I've been wanting one for quite while. Nevermind the fact that it's a junior one...hee hee. Thank goodness I have that and my ipod. Not like I could listen to it in the car, they never slept, and I spent half the time unbuckled, breaking up the 2 midgets. Yeah, one likes to spit and hit and throw things while the other screams really loudly. Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I got beaned in the head with some sort of hard object. Gah, someone remind me NEVER to do that again, please. But hey, it's late, they munchkins are going to bed (finally!) and I have a computer. I guess it's not so bad. Could definetly be worse. Tomorrow we are going to Starved Rock. I've been there before, but it's still pretty cool. I get to meet the other part of the family. Oh well, they're the cool ones anyway. But yeah, trying to stay optimistic here. And I miss you guys!! Well, I should probably go, so you guys have a good weekend. Love love.


Roxanne said...

Ha! You just described a day of work for me....times about 2 or 3. Of course I ask for that kind of punishment. Hope the rest of your trip goes well.


Anonymous said...

wow, that is crazy. trust me, i know how you feel. one of my cousins has some sort of mental disorder, so you have to deal with that (she really isn't that bad on a normal day) combined with her getting car sick, all this in a child of 7 or 8 years of age acting like a 4 year old -_-; try that for 14 hours... it's living hell, best of luck to you

Brie said...

Thanks.Like I said, or maybe I didn't, I don't remember, I've really got nothing to complai about.Could definetly be worse.

Anonymous said...

My dear, I just admire you for not killing them....yet.

I'll give it about another 15 hours or so.

Good luck:-D

isabel said...

You, again, amaze me. I hope you find a way to make this into a fun experience. If you don't, though, we'll be here to love on you when you get back. here's a preview:


I love you!