Sunday, April 24, 2005


I am finally able to blog, so here I go. I have a lot of things on my mind right now, but one seems to be on top. And that is the title. Love. Love is a weird thing. I think that it's the most complicated emotion, ever. I mean, it's a powerful one. And it's amazing how close it is to hate. There is such a fine line there. How do you know when you're in love? Especially if you've never been in love before? When someone says "I love you", do they truly mean it? Or are they just saying it, searching for that attention, that assurance that there is someone there who cares. Or at least seems to. How do you know if they mean it? Do I mean it? When I say that I love someone, or when I feel it, or think it, am I doing the same thing?Am I just wanting to be in love, desperate for anyone who is willing to have me? Anyone who will act like they care, anyone who will say "I love you too". Maybe I am just selfish. I don't want to get caught up in something that isn't real. I don't want to hurt anyone. I just want to be able to know what's happening. And right now I don't. That's why I'm so hesitant to do anything, to say anything, to feel anything. I'm not hard to get, or tough, or anything like that. I'm just confused. I have no idea who I am. And that scares the shit out of me.


Anonymous said...

Love's a bitch. It really fucking it. Brie, when you have it, you'll just know it. I know that sounds so beyond cliche, and I didn't belive other people when they said it, but now I understand it. I agree with you on the whole there's such a thin line between love and hate thing. So true. It's amazing how quickly and easily love can turn to hate. And vice-versa, of course. Love is confusing to everyone. Personally, I never, EVER say it unless I mean it. And I never will. Love hurts and is insanely painful at the same time, it's so confusing. Also, to me, there are so many different kinds of love. I have no idea how stupid that must sounds to you, but it makes sense to me, damnit! I have to admit though, I used to use that word so loosely. Needless to say, someone (John) came along and made me be realy careful about it. I'm going to stop myself before I go on even more of a tangent.

Anonymous said...

lol john..... XD
(sorry it is so funny to me XD)

eryn said...

hey. it's me. obviously. well, you will know when it is love, but take it from me, do not lose sight of who you are. no matter how little you know of your self. you know yourself better than any one else. your choice to do what you want (recent opiffany. look at blog for more details). not anyone elses.

emotions are a hard thing. as we both know. i don't think that Franklin, Andrew, Issy, myself or anyone can give you advice, because we are all different. we both know how we feel about a certian thing (aka: two) but that thing can't help. i really did have a point with that, but i compleatly forgot it.

L- life
O- on going
V- vegabond
E- extravagant

those are about all the words that i can give you. perhaps the will help. don't let that one emotion change the corse of your life. believe me. it sucks.

eryn said...

L is for the way you LOOK at me
O is for the only ONE i see
V is VERY VERY extra ordinary
E is EVEN MORE than you adore

that's love. it's more than just a game for two. Two in sure can make it, take my heart and please don't break it.

that's love

Me said...

i can't really give advice on love seeing as how half the time I don't even believe in it and all. Anything I'd say would be a guess and my guess's sucks so I'll stop now. Dude, my contacts itch, see you in school tomorrow. School oh school, yepee.
Sorry I couldn't give any good advice.