Saturday, March 26, 2005


Grrrr. I can't stand her. She tries to control my life. I was planning to go to Tyler park with Maeghan and we were going to finger paint and hang out and talk. I asked my mum if I could go because I knew that she was hesitant. At first she didn't answer, so I figured she was thinking.I asked her again and she said yes, that it was alright. So I called Maeghan and told her. At that moment she was actually buying the finger paint. We made plans and I told her that I'd call her tomorrow. When we got home, mum got on the phone to Susan, my aunt. They went outside on the back porch and started to talk. She didn't know that the window was open and that I could hear everything she was saying. I hear her talk to my aunt about Maeghan and I. She was talking about how she felt uncomfortable because she had not met her or her parents. I figured, well, yeah, that's a valid thing, but that she could met them tomorrow and talk to them and stuff. But then she went on to talk about our relationship. This is none of her business. None. She started talking about how she thought that I was going out with Maeghan to prove that I was bi, to prove that I still didn't like Brad, to get back at her for saying that I would never go out with a girl, and just to have someone. Then she said that I still liked Brad. Her reasoning for this was that today I called him and wished him happy birthday. He is still my friend, of course I'm gonna wish him happy birthday, I mean, just because he's my ex doesn't mean that I can't talk to him anymore. She then started talking about how she didn't think our relationship could work because I could never see Maeghan outside of school unless she meets her parents and her parents know. I don't wanna screw up her life. I know what it's like to have a parent not accept you for it and I don't want that to happen to her.I have explained this to them and they don't seem to get it. She then goes on to say to my aunt that she is going to try and end this relationship because we can't be a couple. I'm going out with Maeghan because I like her, not because I have to or to prove something. It pisses me off that she thinks she can control me. I cannot stand this house anymore. She doesn't know me, she doesn't know Maeghan, she doesn't know how I think and she never will. Not when she thinks the way she does. I can't stand her. I've had enough with parents. I'm sick of it. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but something's gotta be done. I can't go to any of my friend's houses because my parents know them. I don't care what anyone says. I can't run away, but I need some time away. I don't have enough cash to make it on my own, but I'm not staying in this house. Even if I go over to Susan's, it'll be better than here.

1 comment:

Me said...

yea, I agree with Franklin with the don't do anything stupid thing. Parents naturally try to control their kids. also, you could try and get a job for the summer. That's income and you could do whatever the hell you wanted with that money. uh... yep.