Sunday, March 11, 2007


I miss my birdie. It's way too quiet around here now, expecially in the mornings. It's not right. I kinda want to get another one, but I know that none of them will quite replace her. She was definitely something. I know I don't update, but it seems like the group that used to read this has changed and really grown apart. I kinda wish it was the way it used to be, but I know that's never going to happen. People have changed too much and too many things have happened. But I guess that's high school, is it not? I wonder what's going to happen when we all graduate. What about the reunions? I know I'm going to go to at least one. I wonder if we'll even know each other once it's over. I'm scared of college, and semi-excited, although the fear is definitely winning at the moment. But I'm hoping that when Senior year comes that'll change. Of course, I have to find a way to get into college. I'm still planning on moving out when I turn 18. I'm just hoping that it's a realistic thing. I guess I'll find out later, I still have some time before that happens. And I'm just rambling here, so I'm going to stop

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