Wednesday, March 28, 2007


So KMEA officially sucked. Really. The second violins screwed up so badly, and we had some intonation things. It just wasn't good, at all. That's the worst performance that I've ever been in, I was ashamed. Although I must say, the second's did get it back together before our solo was over, but still, it wasn't pretty there for a bit. Our scores were 2-, 2-, 1, and 1 in sightreading, so we got an overall 1, but barely, and I'm not sure that counts. One judge had actually circled a 3, but erased it and put 2-. That's embarrassing. And the entire orchestra, including Mr.Dougherty, was ready to kill two people in back of my section. They were talking, all throughout the performance. Yes, talking, during KMEA, during the songs that were being judges and recorded. And guess what? It showed up on the recording. Ooohhhhh, talk about pissed. Vickie cried, she really did. It was her senior year and everything. I'm not saying she was bawling, but there were tears. I just can't believe that they did that. I mean, no, he didn't specifically say, hey, no talking while we're performing for the judges, but duh, you just don't do that. And I don't know how many times a day people get told to shut up. It's just insane. The judges made comments on it, and it was probably partially the reason we got those marks. The people around them could hear them and were distracted, and it's not like I could turn around and tell them to be quiet in the middle of a song. But anyways, that's over with, and hopefully next year will be better. It should be, considering we're going to have 2 orchestras. One during 6th and one during 7th. Should be fun.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring Fever

It really felt like Spring today. It was semi-cold this morning, but then it got around 70 later. It was a really nice day. After school Maeghan, Eryn, and I went to Cherokee park and played frisbee. I've been in a really good mood the past couple of days, and I think it's the sun. I haven't really been outside much recently, and my house is always dark. I missed it. It felt nice to be active, and not in the dark, and with friends. I dunno, I was sooooo pissed this morning when mom's damn dog chewed everything in my backpack, but then it got better after school. I hope this lasts for a while, I'm really enjoying it. I needed this break, badly.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


I miss my birdie. It's way too quiet around here now, expecially in the mornings. It's not right. I kinda want to get another one, but I know that none of them will quite replace her. She was definitely something. I know I don't update, but it seems like the group that used to read this has changed and really grown apart. I kinda wish it was the way it used to be, but I know that's never going to happen. People have changed too much and too many things have happened. But I guess that's high school, is it not? I wonder what's going to happen when we all graduate. What about the reunions? I know I'm going to go to at least one. I wonder if we'll even know each other once it's over. I'm scared of college, and semi-excited, although the fear is definitely winning at the moment. But I'm hoping that when Senior year comes that'll change. Of course, I have to find a way to get into college. I'm still planning on moving out when I turn 18. I'm just hoping that it's a realistic thing. I guess I'll find out later, I still have some time before that happens. And I'm just rambling here, so I'm going to stop